Monday, August 08, 2011

Day 8- We tackle the kitchen! or so I though...

Today I finished up the laundry, took all sheets off beds- washed, folded and put away.
Put new sheets on the beds.

As for the kitchen, my bad headache took over and I didn't get to start on the kitchen. But fear not! I will try again tomorrow.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Day 6 and 7 - Laundry-palooza Weekend.

Ok- So I've let the laundry get away from me... a load here, a load there... Before I know it, it amounted to me doing almost 20 plus loads of laundry this weekend. (Everything from blankets, clothes, sheets, more blankets, towels, kids stuff, my stuff, hubby's stuff.)

Before (ALL "cloth" in the Kitchen, which equals play time for the kids):

The kids thought this was a new resting spot ... and yes there is a kid hiding in the first picture too...

After: Getting preped for hang up...

Hung and ready to be put away.

I found some time Sunday afternoon to organize my ThirtyOne Gifts supplies in my Large utility tote and order some CUTE business cards!

I still have sheets on all the beds to do tomorrow along with some in depth kitchen cleaning. I've also made some very nice "dry erase" cleaning charts which I got from Decor-ganize Crafts which I'll show you tomorrow as well.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Day 5 - The fun begins...

Explanation: 2 adults, a 2 year old and a 3 year old in a very small 2 bedroom apartment for almost 3 years = big cluttery mess! We have outgrown our apartment. Our lease is up in March so we are taking this time to clean and organize and make sense of our space, while saving money to move into a bigger place and maintain our "comfortable" budget and living style.

Now: The before an after photos start!

Master Bath:

Nothing special used in this one. Just did some cleaning out, and organized. I used a magazine holder to hold all my extra bath soaps (bottom left in "after")

Before After

Kitchen Cleaning Cabinet:

Used the old dish drying rack to hold some of the boxed items... I noticed a leak, and this is sure to keep my boxed stuff dry if the leak get's worse. (I think I fixed the leak, but I'm not a plumber so I can't be sure). I used a blue tub to hold my extra cleaners so now I'm able to pull that out and move stuff around if need be.

Before After


I added a wire shelf and a basket to make more sense of the freezer.

Before After

"Pantry"/old armoire cabinet.

This apartment has NO pantry space, so we used an old furniture piece that wouldn't fit in the bedroom. All I did here was clean out the old, organize what's left. Doesn't make much sense here but makes a huge difference in person!

Before After

Tomorrow my goal is to take all articles of clothing, bedding, towels from around the apt... wash them, hang them/fold them, and put them away. There's A LOT so brace yourself!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Day 4- Let the fun begin!

I started making a list of some simple items I can tackle pretty quick.
Top of the list:
Cleaning Cabinet
Meat freezer...

Stay tuned. I'll post some updates and pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Day 3 - More goodies!

Here's some pictures of the stuff I got yesterday. The can of soup is showing you the size of the baskets.
2 baskets at $.90 each.

Got 3 more for $.80 each today.

Two wicker baskets for $.60 each.

Got these wire shelves: 4 for $5.00

Door Shelves - 2 for $1.50 ($.75 each) got 2 more today. now I have 4 total.

Dish draining baskets. Got these today 2 for $2.50 (1.25 each)

I got a handful of other things: a couple wire baskets for $.30 each that would make great candy dishes or gift baskets. some door hanger organizers. ($.50 each), some trinket plates/spoon rests for $.30 each. All in all, I think I'm ready to start figuring out what basket goes where. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Day 2- Research and Tools

Today I researched a number of blogs and found all sorts of fun new decorative organizational ideas.

I went to Dollar General and found the JaCkPoT!! Buy one get one free clearance!! (Can you BELIEVE it??)

Here's what I got:
4 wire shelves (to put in cabinets) for $5.00.
2 wire door shelves (to store your foil or cleaners in) for $1.50.
1 tub to use in pantry or cleaner cabinet for $1.00
2 weaved baskets (plastic type) for $1.20 ($.60 each!)

2 wicker trinket baskets (about 5w x 10L) for $1.80 ($.90 each!)
and a couple other items- spent $20 for ALL that.
I WILL be going back tomorrow for more!!

Monday, August 01, 2011

Day 1- The search for blogs begins!

Today I'm going to start fresh. Start over. And dare I say it, ORGANIZE! I am going to take you through my journey of cleaning and organizing my apartment through the use of Blogs! Wish me luck!